Minimum Energy Broadcast and Disk Cover in Grid Wireless Networks

The Minimum Energy Broadcast problem consists in finding the minimum-energy range assignment for a given set S of n stations of an ad hoc wireless network that allows a source station to perform broadcast operations over S. \noindent We prove an almost tight asymptotical bound on the optimal cost for the Minimum Energy Broadcast problem on square grids. We emphasize finding tight bounds for this problem restriction is far to be easy: it involves the Gauss's Circle problem and the Apollonian Circle Packing. We also derive near-tight bounds for the Bounded-Hop version of the this problem. The obtained results show that the best-known heuristic, the MST-based one, for the Minimum Energy Broadcast problem is far to achieve optimal solutions (even) on very regular, well-spread instances: its approximation ratio is about \pi and it yields Omega(\sqrt{n}) hops. As a by product, we get almost tight bounds for the Minimum Disk Cover problem and for its restriction in which allowed disks must have non-constant radius. Finally, we emphasize that our upper bounds are polynomial-time constructible.

Conference Version
